Thursday, 15 October 2015

New Zealand 2015 Nationals Report

On the 26th and 27th of September, New Zealand had its third Nationals event with our biggest turnout yet - 27 people. It should be noted that everything up to Universe of Tomorrow was legal for us.

For me, the best part about events like this isn't playing but meeting people that I talk to all year on our awesome Facebook page! I'm pretty stoked with how cool the NZ community is!

Top 8 Crew
Will, Michael, Egor, Amber, Ben, David, Paul, Andrew

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The Great Netrunner Alt Art Debate 2015 | Results!

After a slight delay I have the results on the 2015 Alt Art survey!
I'm okay with this being first
Pop up really should be in this slot